
What do you know about alpacas?

Alpacas are endearing, intelligent and gentle animals, with cute faces and inquisitive natures, they make excellent pets that have a multitude of useful purposes. Alpacas are naturally curious, docile and friendly and when handled correctly they can be very affectionate. They make excellent companions for other animals such as horses, sheep, goats, and even chickens mix well with them! Alpacas are happy in a small paddock - up to an acre is sufficient to sustain 4-6 “furry lawnmowers”.

They live in their fields all year round, and do not need to be brought indoors, however a shelter should be available to them. As they originate from South America they are hardy animals that are used to extremes, and they may not use their shelter, even in our bleakest of winters.

Would you like to name this alpaca?

A lovely picture of an upclose white and hairy alpaca looking right at the camera HOLA

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