Summer Music: Reggae

Rock-Reggae band: SOJA

When Summer approaches in Southern California, people can't help but think of concerts, music and fun in the sun. A music genre that perfectly describes Summer is Reggae, especially for its distictive sound, that for me, describes this season perfectly. This is more evident when these concerts are performed in open air venues. SOJA has to be one of the most popular Reggae bands in the scene, with hits like, "Rest of my Life," and "You and Me," they set the stage to what will for sure be a memorable show. Dancing, and swaying to the music along with friends, makes everyone near you feel carefree. One can't help but smile when listening to the rhythm and positive vibes in SOJA's music and lyrics. SOJA is a 2x Grammy-nominated band, with over 7 million followers. When SOJA is in town performing, make sure to head on over, you know they will definetly put on a great performance.
Discover more about SOJA on wikipedia