Why I love backpacking

Hiking is really one of the greatest hobbies to call your own. Whether you are hiking for weight loss or for social benefits – hiking will make you fall in love with nature. The psychological benefits of hiking and the physical benefits of hiking alone will make your life healthier. If you’ve not yet given hiking a chance, I highly suggest that you find an easy trail near you and start there. In time, you will fall in love with all the benefits of hiking that will be established.

Improves Mental Health

One healthy feature I have found in hiking is its physiological improvement functions. Before I got into hiking and fitness in general, stress was a killer. If I got stressed out or depressed about something, I’d always resort to negative relievers like alcohol consumption or eating junk food. However, now that I routinely hike, I have found that hiking creates a balance between my everyday stress and my leisure activities, and it has made me a happier person.

Good for the Brain

Hiking is extremely good for the human mind and brain. You might not believe it but just try to pause and think about it for a moment. When you’re hiking, you are constantly thinking about each move you make. You’re making sure you walk safely, looking out for wildlife, judging obstacles on the trail and while all that, enjoying the beauty of nature around you. Hiking keeps your mind active.