Living Well with Megs 🌱

Group Fitness

Meet the instructor: Megan Dix

My credentials and training include:

Benefits of group fitness - be part of a team

In addition to physical health benefits, there are mental health benefits you can gain by joining group fitness classes.

Studies show that just feeling like you’re part of a team can increase your motivation. The feeling of teamwork also can push you to complete a difficult task even if you’re working by yourself.

A study had participants get together in small groups. Then, the participants went to a separate room to solve a puzzle alone. The participants were given as much time as they needed to solve the puzzle.

Half of the participants were given a handwritten note from another participant that they met in the small group earlier. For the participants who believed they were working as a team with other participants, they spent 48% more time trying to figure out the actually unsolvable puzzle.

The research shows that those individuals who believed they’re on a team worked harder. The same can apply to a group fitness class. By working out with others, you can work harder and gain health benefits.

You might even be motivated to workout outside of classes to keep up your fitness regimen.
Cited from: Information source

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Site coded by Megan Dix