I Love the Beach 🏖

Especially Vesuvius Beach on Salt Spring Island

I grew up on a beautiful island in BC Canada, called Salt Spring Island. I spent a lot of time at the different lakes and beaches there during the summers. However, my favourite beach was always Vesuvius. It faces the west so you can always watch the sunset in the evenings, glowing all the colors of the rainbow. While you are there you won't need a watch as the ferries are sure to keep time for you. You should bring a few paddles to use the old surboards or small boats others have left to go out to the smaller islands to explore. Or just paddle out deep enough to have balancing or wrestling matches with your friends. You can look around the rocks for stafish and collect buckets full of baby crabs to show your parents, then set them all loose again at the end of the day. When you are older you can stay till it is after dark and have a bonfire with your friends. You'll want to use the salt encrusted driftwood to make your fire burn blue and purple. Once you have been there you too will understand why I love this place and look forward to returning there someday, to make new memories and relive my old ones.

Book your stay on Salt Spring Isalnd and expereance Vesuvius beach for yourself.

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This page was writen and created by Leilani Olson