πŸͺ 7 Universal Laws

Everything in this Universe, including you, boils down to energy, frequencies, and vibrations. Once you understand how to use this in your favor you can start creating your own reality. 🀯🀯🀯
Amazing, isn't it?


Within this Universe, there are seven major Universal Laws or Principles that explain how energy, frequencies, and vibrations β€œwork.” These laws, which are as real as the law of physics ☝️, dictate β€œthe rules to the Game of Life” and how to consciously create the life we want. These laws come from ancient Egypt and are attributed to the Egyptian philosopher who lived 2,000 years A.D.C, Hermes Trismegistus.
His teachings encompass three worlds, the physical, the astral, and the mental. He discovered arithmetic, algebra, geometry, astronomy, drawing, the game of dice and, above all, the alphabet and writing (He was a genious don't you think?πŸ€“). At first, the doctrines of Hermes penetrated the region of the Nile and spread throughout all the countries of the Middle and Far East and the Mediterranean. Now we ALL have access to it in books, blogs, videos, pretty much everywhere you look!!! Thank you Hermes πŸ’—

If you'll like to learn more about each law, here are some videos that might give you a good start.
Please note the videos are in Spanish πŸ˜³πŸ™ˆ

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