Cappuccino or Flat White

Do you know the difference?


'Both flat white and cappuccino feature espresso and milk, and they can have one or two shots of espresso. Presented this way, these beverages may come off as almost the same. However, the way milk is prepared for each drink varies and affects the texture and creaminess of the final result.

CAPPUCCINO features three basic components – espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk. The traditional recipe includes equal amounts of each ingredient.

The base of a FLAT WHITE is one or two shots of espresso and it’s topped with microfoamed milk. It is important to know that the flat white microfoamed milk shouldn’t contain any froth. The drink first started appearing in coffee shops in Australia and New Zealand in the 1980s, and there is some controversy about its origin. Regardless of the inventor, the hot beverage gained quickly popularity.' To read the full article click here. 💬

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