Mindfulness in Project Management

How Improved Awareness can impact Project and Team Performance

(Source: Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash)

What is Mindfulness and how to bring Mindfulness to your team? How Mindfulness enhances project and team performance?

Mindfulness is the ability of being aware of what is happening inside and outside ourselve, moment by moment.
Mindfulness can be practiced by bringing attenction to thoughts, feelings and body sensations at the present moment.

Mindfulness is an ancient practice that is becoming more important than ever for teams members, Project Managers and leaders, in this Covid era of disruptive transformation, self-isolation and uncertainty.

Being able to apply Mindfulness and enhance self-awareness (and acceptance) of thoughts and feelings, improving one’s interactions with teams and stakeholders.
Read the full article on how the practice of Mindfulness can impact project and team performance.


Coded by Irene Iozzo (Linkedin profile)