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germinating seeds

Germination is the process by which an organism grows from a seed or similar structure. The term is applied to the sprouting of a seedling from a seed of an angiosperm or gymnosperm, the growth of a sporeling from a spore, such as the spores of fungi, ferns, bacteria, and the growth of the pollen tube from the pollen grain of a seed plant.
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Cheap Seed Starting - How To Germinate Seeds At Home.

Many people will tell you that one of the most expensive parts of gardening is buying the plants. The best way to avoid this problem is to simply grow your own plants from seeds. Once you learn how to germinate seeds, you will always be able to have cheap plants.

It's easy to get started with cheap seed starting. Here is how you can germinate your own seeds at home.

growing seedlings

How to Germinate Seeds

Start with seeds that are less than two years old, a soilless starting medium of some kind, and a container that can help hold moisture in.

Soilless seed starting medium– A soilless seed starting medium will insure that the seeds and seedlings are not killed by too much salt (or salinity) which is frequently found in soil or even regular soilless mixes. The soilless seed starting medium can be an actual soilless seed starting mix (bought at your local nursery) or a folded paper towel. If you choose to use a paper towel, you will need to move the germinated seeds to soil or another growing medium after they have sprouted.

Container– This container should hold in moisture. A plastic container is ideal for this. Some people may use a Tupperware container while others may use a zip lock bag.

Dampen (but do not soak) the soilless seed starting medium and place it in a container.

  1. Place the seeds in the soilless medium
  2. Close the container
  3. This will ensure that the seeds continuously receive the appropriate amount of moisture.

Now, find a warm place to put your seeds (which is another one of the factors that affect seed germination). Keep your seed germination container out of the direct sunlight, even if the packet specifies they need sun to germinate. If you need sunlight, place in indirect light. Many people find that the top of their refrigerator is ideal, but you can use a heating pad set very low or even on top of your TV; anywhere that has a very low steady heat.

Check your seeds often to see if they have sprouted. Germination time for seeds varies and should be marked on the seed packet. Once they have sprouted, vent the container by opening it some. If using a paper towel, move the seedlings to proper soil, otherwise transplant seedlings when they have two true leaves.

Factors That Affect Seed Germination

Factors that affect seed germination vary from plant species to species, but there a few that are standard. If the seed that you are growing are not germinated in what is considered a standard way, the seed packet will state this in the directions. Factors that affect seed germination are:

Contrary to popular belief on how to germinate seeds, sunlight is not a standard factor that influences seed germination (unless otherwise stated on the seed packet). In fact, sunlight can do more harm that good, as it may overheat the seeds and seedlings, killing them.

Now you know how to germinate seeds with cheap seed starting mix, you can grow your own cheap plants.

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