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Millions of people worldwide suffer from severe food allergies


Our vision is to create added value for people living with food allergies, as well as for those who may have a close friend or family member, to find solutions and bring them out into the world. We want to find answers to a wide variety of questions and make life easier.

Extremely relevant for this it is the awareness of all people. People should know how great the risk really is, and why allergy sufferers behave the way they do. We should not be label as "fussy" or "picky" or that we are exaggerating in any way. Unfortunately, the risk of allergies is often underestimated. We want to reduce the various dangers for people coping with allergies. World-wide one would not like to know the number of people dying because of an anaphylactic shock at all. Even people with allergies should have the opportunity to live and eat without fear, which after all is one of the basic needs. To live worry-free, to eat out with pleasure, to have adventures while traveling and to have a normal relationship with food are our goals, which we pursue with this blog. Regular updates for tips on trips, on the plane, in a hotel, a longer stay abroad, for children in school or students in university. With recommendations for everyday life, for parties or stays in a bar, as well as different recipes to make your life easier, we strive for improvement every single day. Accompany us on the journey to make the topic of allergies transparent, better known and more understandable.

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