I love hiking!

Especially in the mountians 🗻

Everest Base Camp Trekking

I love hiking because it makes me feel my body. I love when I feel the power behind my legs, the rocks underneath my feet, I even love when I feel that familiar burn in my lungs up the steep parts. Lately I’ve been feeling more grateful for my body, imperfections and all, and the places it allows me to go.

I love hiking because it makes me feel small. The mountains I climb have been here for thousands, if not millions of years before me and they’ll likely be here for thousands of years after. Where I was hiking in Boulder this morning used to be an ocean millions of years ago. Hiking in Ouray this summer I saw a geologic marker that indicated a billion year gap between oceans.

I love hiking because it’s free. For the most part… yes, sometimes there are fees for parking or for National or State Parks; yes, you need shoes on your feet and the right gear can be nice. But I love that I can pick up a friend, go walk through the mountains for a few hours and it costs us almost nothing. So many outdoor sports require expensive equipment, but hiking takes away that barrier making it much more accessible. I love hiking because it helps my mental health.

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page was constructed by Alexis Hepler