Why bees run the World?

It takes more than soil, water, and sunshine to make the world green. At least 30% of the world’s crops and 90% of all plants require cross-pollination to spread and thrive, bees are our the most important pollinators. Unfortunately, bee populations around the World are in decline.

Climate change causes some flowers to bloom earlier or later than usual, leaving bees with fewer food sources at the start of the season.Bees suffer habitat loss from development, abandoned farms, and the lack of bee-friendly flowers. Some colonies collapse due to plants and seeds treated with neonicotinoid pesticides, or harmful parasites like mites.

The good news is there are ways gardeners can help bee populations bounce back.
Planting a bee-friendly garden will not only lead to healthy and vibrant plants, it will ensure that bees continue to play their critical role in our ecosystem.

Coded by Iryna Pavlenko ©