
A sweet taste of Austria ...

Topfenknödel is a traditional Austrian dessert and one of the many sweet specialties that the country has to offer. It is not a light course, but a favorite for many. The recipe ingredients are basic and available in practically every Austrian kitchen, but the refinement and preparation of the sweet dumplings (=Knödel) is not to be underestimated. Often the recipe has been passed on for generations and is key to taste and texture.
The main ingredient, called "Topfen", is a kind of quark - similar to curd (20% fat). Topfen is very specific to Austria and a commonly used ingredient in their traditional baking.
After the dumplings are boiled in water, they are rolled in breadcrumbs and melted butter. Topfenknödel are topped off with powdered sugar and often accompanied with some kind of fruit compotte. The fancy versions include a filling such as nougat or fruit. If you're lucky, when in season, Topfenknödel are filled with fresh apricots 🍑 from the Wachau region.