Are You An Avid Reader?
Join the Reading Revolution!
What kind of books facinates you?
Calling book lovers and avid readers of all ages! Have you ever wondered what the benefits of reading are
aside from
leisure and education? From learning new words to maintaining your mental health, books can do it all! In
case you
needed a reminder of how important regular reading is for our wellbeing and literacy, here are the top 5
benefits of
reading for all ages.
5 Ways You Can Benefit From Reading
Reading Exercises the Brain:
Reading is a workout for your brain that improves memory function.
Reading Sets a Positive Example:
Children are excellent at mimicking the adults around them which means
that if you
regularly set aside some "me time" for reading, your children will learn to do the same.
Reading Improves Concentration and the Ability to Focus:
In a world where gadgets are only getting faster and shortening
our attention span. Reading helps us to constantly practice concentration and focus.
Reading Improves Literacy and General Knowledge:
The more you read, the more your vocabulary grows, along with your ability to effectively
Reading is Motivational:
The right book can motivate you to never give up and stay positive.