I love the outdoors!

but really I just want to stay in bed

Inspiration to get outside for the "cozy-inclined" among us..

Try Bird Watching

American Goldfinch Read 6 more reasons here

Plant a Wildflower Garden

Wildflower Meadow

Very few things in this world, can compare with the simple beauty of a wildflower garden. They're meant to be well...wild, so only a little effort is required.
The bees will thank you 🐝

Learn More

Buy with the Earth in Mind


When you buy an ethically produced and durable product, you’re helping the environment right this second, but also in the long term. Longer lasting products mean less waste, mean our landfills aren’t as full, mean less pollution, and mean the environment is healthier. And it may just draw you outside to the earth that you are protecting.

Need some motivation to buy green? Check this out