Confessions of A Reading Addict

Novels are My Guilty Pleasure


My reading obsession as I like to call it started when I was about 12years old. I was raised by an African mother, that meant I wasn't allowed to leave the house unless it was for school or church. My only escape was reading novels. I had a library card that I used religiously, reading about 7 books a week. The library was my safe haven, no place in the world or what I considered the world felt like it. Rows and endless rows, bookshelves as high as a ceiling, nothing else mattered, it was heaven. The librarian did not care what books I took out and that's when things took a turn, I read one grown up novel and my world changed. Fifty Shades of Grey, I fell inlove with the Audi R8. I read many more novels soon after that and I have never looked back. Imagining what your charactors sound and look like? It's like being apart of a movie but you get to choose your own cast and be the director at the same time, a dream come true.

A Must Read Novel? 😉

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