Cheeseburgers are the Best

Versatile & Delicious


Original artwork by Rebecca Adams, The Burger, acrylic on canvas cir. 2015

One of my favorite foods is the cheeseburger. Cheeseburgers have been a staple in the American diet for decades. The cheeseburger is an amazing culinary delight. The use of ingredients can be varied to create new tasting experiences.

My favorite cheeseburger I have ever tried was a peanut butter and jelly burger. It sounds weird, but trust me, it is delicious. This burger had peanut butter, jalapeńo jelly, Beecher's cheddar cheese and bacon. It is a flavor explosion!

This food can be quick, simple and convenient, or it can be gourmet and complex. Either way, it is a complete meal in one tasty sandwich. If you have not tried a cheeseburger, you should definitley try one today!

To learn more about cheeseburgers, CLICK HERE.