Oxygen Concentrator

What is an oxygen concentrator?

An oxygen concentrator is a device that generates pure oxygen by means of pressure swing absorption using the ambient air as the source. These devices are used by patients with respiratory conditions that cause low oxygen levels in their blood. They come in two sizes, a larger model for home use and a lighter, portable model that is designed to promote mobility and independence for oxygen dependant patient.

One may ask, how does this device generate oxygen? Well you have come to the right place. This small device generates oxygen by pulling in the ambient air through the air filter which serves a purpose of protecting the compressor from receiving contamintaed air particles. The air in then compressed to have more pressure so the pressure swing absorption may take place. The air moves from the compressor into the cooling coils, from the coils to the valve that will distribute the air into the sieve cannisters which contain molecular sieve that is used to separate the oxygen, nitrogen and other gases from the ambient air. Once a separation of the gases is complete, nitrogen will be expelled back into the ambient air through the exhaust and the oxygen will move onto the other parts that form part of the process of delivering pure oxygen to the patient.

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Built by Paulina Mohohlo
Email: mohohlop@gmail.com