I started making sourdough back in 2019 when my Italian roommate gave me some of her family's starter. I kept Louie alive for about six months, but it died in the pandemic when I had to switch pandemic bubbles. Flash forward to July of 2024 when my chronic illness issues required me to go on a low FODMAP diet. The acronym FODMAP represents a group of fermentable carbohydrates that can trigger digestive distress in individuals with IBS like myself. Sourdough bread is made using a sourdough starter, the thing that you see people feeding on Tiktok. The starter is a symbiotic culture of wild yeast. During the fermentation process in which you make the bread dough and let it rise for a *long* time, those microorganisms in the starter consume and break down FODMAPs, primarily fructans and galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) which are found in significant amounts in wheat flour, (source). On my low FODMAP diet, the only things with gluten I could have were sourdough, so I dove headfirst back into the world of sourdough.
Below, you'll find a list of my favorite sourdough blogs.