Reduce⭐ Reuse ⭐ Recycle

You don't have to do it perfectly to make a difference!

There’s a lot of information about environmental impact and it can feel overwhelming and confusing. There are many small ways to make a difference. Big supermarkets have plastic bag recycling bins which also take empty crisp and sweet packets. You can drop them off when you do the weekly shop. You can make a positive impact on environment by buying only the things you need and choosing products that are built to last. There are websites that do the hard work for you to check the ethical credentials of brands. You don’t need to be a crafting or DIY expert to get involved. Some charity shops now list on eBay or have their own online shops. An online mission for a specific quality item in a fixed budget can be more rewarding than a large haul of fast fashion taking up space in your wardrobe.
Making a small change doesn't have to be difficult. It can be fun!
