Happiness in Creativity

"I need to take action" is what kept going through my mind as I had another discussion with my cousin. We go back and forth about trying to find the perfect line of work for ourselves. I have always been in love with art but don't want to take the risk of not being able to support my family. I feel stifled when I have no creativity outlet, even if it is just being able to share ideas or doodling. An aritcle published on frontiersin.org discusses how "creativity is a crucial operator of human progress."

Could there be something I can pursue that would fit into the lifestyle I crave, balancing time with my family and work in an enviroment that will allow me to use my creativity? Then curiosity sank in when my cousin asked, "Have you considered coding? Just check out SheCodes ."

Creativity in Tech


Good luck on your search for balance. Best wishes, Jennifer Avara