less waste more fun

I first learned about zero waste during my first pregnancy. Initially I was on the lookout for non-toxic personal care products that smelled nice, because I had become very sensitive to scents. I stumbled across selfmade cosmetics and followed the path to the idea of "less to zero waste". Along with my baby grew my wish to keep our environment as intact as possible and therefore to live more and more environmentally friendly. If you are new to this topic, this wikipedia article may give you a first orientation.
I am also still on this journey learning and figuring out what fits my family and my life. What helps me in my everyday life, is the "mantra of zero waste":

  3. REUSE
  5. ROT

It is like a little compass for all the small and big decisions made in a day. Maybe it is an inspiration for you to. But don't get to strict with yourself - we usually stick with the things we enjoy. 🌞