
Scientifically known as Garcinia Mangostana

Picture of mangosteen fruit
These particular mangosteens are highly sort after and can cost upto £100 per killo

Mangosteen trees

A tropical tree, the mangosteen must be grown in consistently warm conditions, as exposure to temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F) for prolonged periods will usually kill a mature plant. They are known to recover from brief cold spells rather well, often with damage only to young growth. Experienced horticulturists have grown this species outdoors, and brought them to fruit in extreme south Florida.

Mangosteen fruit

Mangosteens are exotic fruits, that grow on tropical trees, native to Southeast Asia and Thailand. The inedible skin is a beautiful purple colour, whilst the inside is a translucent white (similar to lychees). If you have never tasted mangosteens, then you do not know true joy.

In recent years, due to deforestation, many tropical fruits are slowly becoming extinct. Help us to conserve the enviorment and plant new trees so that we can continue to enjoy these fruits for many decades to come. You can help by donating to our charity that helps plant thousands of new fruit trees accross South East Asia every year. Click the button below to donate!

Page author - Shara Banu