I love Tea (Chai)

Especially "Karak Chai"

Tea is one of the beverages that I can enjoy in any weather. Growing up in Lahore*, we used loose tea leaves to make chai. Now we use teabags, but the taste is not only in the teabag or the loose tea leaves. The taste is also in the hands of the tea-maker 😂. There are a variety of ways people make tea. Some people like black tea, some like ‘dood-pati’ (teabag/tea leaves boiled in the milk only), some add spices to the tea. My tea style is ‘karak chai’ – strong flavoured tea, in my opinion because it also varies how people make it. For one cup, I boil some water, add one teabag and some sugar and let it boil, and then leave it covered for a bit. Then I add milk, and boil till I like the colour – it is very tasty, try it! Many people make tea the way I do, but they may add more sugar or more teabags. The amount of milk in the tea also makes a difference. I use 2% milk.

Although I love tea, I only drink one cup a day. Unless I am in Pakistan (my home country), where I can easily drink 4-5 cups every day. It is deliciously made by my sister, and I cannot resist. Baji uses jaggery instead of sugar, and she buys loose tea leaves.

How do you like your tea? Will you try my recipe?

Learn about my city Lahore* in Pakistan.

This page was built by Rubeen Chauhan (October 14, 2024)