Yor!!! Chilli By Jen!🌶️

Chilli so HOT it's a 10!


If you enjoy spicy foods, then there’s a good chance that you’ve come across chili at least once in your life. Edible at every stage — from the seed to the full-grown chili pepper — this spicy plant is easy to grow and abundant in foods all over the world. They're especially popular in Mexican, African, and Asian food, but can be added to almost any dish to add a pop of flavor and spice.
Yor! Chilli by Jen is the brainchild of Jennifer, a lover of all things spicy and hot! She has come up with the tastiest and flavourful way of celebrating the world's favorate pepper,while paying homage to her Durban roots. Every chilli, every pepper has been hand-selected and combined to perfection, creating an OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD taste experience for those bold enough to try!
Learn more on Health Benefits of Chili, Chili Peppers, and Chili Powder