Like a Belgian

Tales about an expat trying to understand the belgian culture.

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to live in a different country? Are you eager to be more than just a tourist? Welcome!!
Your journey unveiling the best secrets about this wonderful country starts here and like all good stories ... we start from the beginning.

A person is choosing fries sauce

Oh, hi there Belgium!

Bruges canals, Antwerp fashion, decadent chocolate, mussels and chips, belfries and castles,
crazy carnivals, Tintin and Trappist beers…
Riding a bicycle under the snow and having picnics by the seaside.
How could anyone call Belgium boring ?!
Check out more about this European heart centered country here.

Man riding a bicycle

You got me on... Hallo!

Our journey will take you through the dos and don'ts and especially will address your why's.
Do belgians really eat fries at every meal, have beer running through their veins and only read comic books? you dare to think like a belgian ?