The seasons

Blogging about the grounding experience of living in the present through enjoying the seasons

Ever feel like life is a perpetual race against time, each day blurring into the next? It's too easy to miss the world's natural, calming rhythms in this whirlwind. But nature has a way of pulling us back, of grounding us. By consciously immersing ourselves in the seasons—whether it's the gentle bloom of spring, the sunlit abundance of summer, autumn's fiery farewell, or winter's hushed serenity—we can anchor ourselves in the present. This blog is dedicated to those small, seasonal moments that remind us to breathe, to appreciate, and to truly live.

Each photograph will capture diary entries and reflexions, tied intimately to the season it represents. This way, the visual and written words together will transport you into each moment, making the act of living in the present tangible and heartfelt.

As I write my entries I would love to hear about your grounding experiences which I will share if you allow me to.