Journey to New Worlds

Services Offered

Evaluation Editing

Evaluation editing takes a hard look at your manuscript from every angle. An evaluation edit will assess:

  • writing quality
  • story structure
  • plot flow
  • plot pace

Developmental Editing

This form of editing looks at the manuscript as a whole. Developmental editing looks at:

  • main idea and themes of the manuscript
  • organization
  • story structure
  • story progression
  • smooth transitioning
  • excessive fluff
  • repetition of details, dialogues, or events
  • story pacing
  • Realistic characters

Line Editing

This form of editing is also known as stylistic editing. It looks at the writing style of your manuscript line-by-line focusing on:

  • Author's Voice
  • story flow
  • rythm
  • clarity
  • story subtext

Copy Editing

This form of editing is similar to line editing, but there are subtle differnces. Copy editing focuses on:

  • story flow
  • grammer
  • spelling
  • sentece structure
  • fact-checking