Festivals, Concerts, Gigs...

Live music is top tier

Jordan Rakei perfomring at a live music show

Live music is superior

Unfornately, since we can't gather in groups right now (becuase of.. well, you know why), we can't experience music in its best form. It's probabaly one of the things I miss the most!

Festivals 🎪

A music festival is a community event oriented towards live performances of singing and instrument playing that is often presented with a theme such as musical genre (e.g. blues, folk, jazz, classical music), nationality, locality of musicians, or holiday.

Read about the top UK festivals

Concerts 🎸

A concert is a live music performance in front of an audience. The performance may be by a single musician, sometimes then called a recital, or by a musical ensemble, such as an orchestra, choir, or band.

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Gigs 🎤

Not to be confused with UK rapper 'Giggs', and similar to a concert (but something I'd consider a bit more intimate), "Gig" is slang for a live musical performance, recording session, or other (usually paid) engagement of a musician or ensemble. It was originally coined in the 1920s by jazz musicians.

Visit Wikipedia for more on gigs