Nigeria is blessed with different ethnic groups, and these ethnic groups have their own cultural foods. Irrespective of ethnic diversity, these foods are eaten by Nigerians of different heritage and culture. Other ethnic groups have embraced the foods of other ethnic groups, and most of the foods are eaten by all Nigerians irrespective of their ethnic origin.
Examples are the popular nsala, a white soup made with catfish and yam, known for its light, yet flavorful broth, the celebrated Abacha, or African salad, is made from shredded cassava and served with ugba (oil bean), ground crayfish, and palm oil, the iconic amala, a dish made from yam flour, served with ewedu (a jute leaf soup) . Banga soup, made from palm fruit extract, brimming with seafood, and flavored with local spices like taiko and rogoje .tuwo shinkafa, a rice pudding served with various soups like miyan kuka (baobab leaf soup) and Mayan cause (pumpkin soup), the calabar afang soup and many more to mention.