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Have you seen any good movies lately?

History buffs have plenty of options when it comes to movies. It can show us new things about the culture that we probably did not know. We gain many things, such as a country’s history or a new culture, and then we realize some influential figures in the world. Educating ourselves on a country’s history may instill a sense of nationalism in us. It is the same when we watch historical movies from other countries. We may learn a lot from an excellent historical movie by understanding essential issues and events. Not only that, but historical movies are also valuable in the classroom, as teachers may show them to their pupils so that they can better acquire or understand history courses.Many people find watching movies both entertaining and a way to reduce stress. Watching movies can make us forget our problems is an alternative to anxiety loss. Watching movies can have a positive emotional impact. Movies can calm us down and soothe us. We reduce the stress within us by lowering worry, and even watching a movie may turn all negative thoughts into the better, as long as it is enjoyable. I have a passion for 'movies-collection' which have a great story.For me it doesn't matter if the movie has good 'IMDb' rating or not.If the story is good then I keep it in my collection.

There is a collection of some of my favourite movies and their ratings. You can give it a try.

horror horror horror

Personal Rating: 8/10

romantic romantic romantic

Personal Rating: 8.5/10

sci-fi sci-fi sci-fi

Personal Rating: 9.5/10

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