Bootcamp workouts can be quite different depending on their focus. They
usually include an intensive mix of aerobic, strength training, and speed
elements during each class session. One bootcamp workout may stress body
weight exercises (calisthenics) while another might stress military-style
Most of the time, you can expect to do calisthenics — such as pull-ups,
push-ups, squats, lunges as well as crunches — together with drills and
sprints. Some include particular resistance or strength training workouts.
A bootcamp workout is ultimately a kind of high-intensity interval
training (HIIT) — in other words bursts of intense activity that are
alternated with intervals of lighter activity. A bootcamp workout also can
include functional fitness, such as utilising whole-body, multijoint
exercises that simulate movements people do in life.
Given the popularity of bootcamps there is a growing demand for bootcamp
instructors. This is why doing an online bootcamp course is a great idea.