My Rafa - English Bulldog

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The magic of owning an English Bulldog πŸ’•

Rafa The bulldog is a wonderful human companion. Gentle, loyal and very patient. So many of us dreaming about to have a dog friend, but they cannot because they live in a small space or don’t have a garden, or simply don’t have enough time to go out with the four legs friend. That is the main reason why English Bulldog is a game changer. They are low-endurance dogs and need only moderate amount of exercise. But the best of their feature is the fact that they very people-oriented as a breed, they like to be around a human and they are loving to most children. However, they tend to snore and wheeze very loudly. Generally easy to kept although the wrinkles on the face should be cleaned regularly to prevent skin infection. Also they body build can cause problems with hips and the flat face structure can be a reason for breathing problems in the hot weather.

As much as I love my Rafa and with a clear heart I could advice anyone to have an English Bulldog, as strong I believe that having a dog is a big responsibility.
Think about it before you will take any dog πŸ•πŸ€”

Click in here and find some tips if you plan on to buy the bulldog.