Reading Code

The Most Amazing Way to Pass Time.

Reading Code

Curiosity is the best way to start reading code the right way. When you come across different codes in your everyday life, you will automatically figure out the significance of learning codebase reading skills. Try to analyze from the perspective โ€œWhat did the writer of such code think at the time?โ€. Although it might take some extra time and effort to use this pattern, it will help you discern different reasons behind every single step. And, if you are working as a part of a huge team, code reviews are the ultimate way to improve your coding skills, especially code reading skills. You just need to relax and follow your instincts. If you find a line of code that is strange-looking to you, or something that does not make sense to you, start by reading code. You can also talk to the codebase writer or the developer who is previously associated with the code where necessary and discuss the points. With this approach, you would probably get a sense of the requirements you wouldnโ€™t have anticipated earlier. You will begin to make sense of why the code is structured the way it is!