What is Sound Healing?

Sound Healing is the non-invasive therapeutic application of sound vibrations to create the ideal environment for the body to go into it's own natural healing process.

sound bath

What is a Sound Bath?

A Sound Bath is a meditative experience where the participants are enveloped or 'bathed' in sound waves from various instruments. This sound immersion helps induce a state of rest and digest, allowing for full relaxation of the body and a calm stillness of the mind. By entraining the brainwaves to specific frequencies, sound healing can help shift our brainwave patterns from states of stress and anxiety to states of relaxation and tranquility. This can have a profound impact on our overall well-being.

Through the use of gongs, sound bowls and other resonant sound instruments, we can scientifically record the transition of brain waves from the very active Beta waves associated with conscious, outward, focused communication to Theta brain waves which is the state associated with the benefits of meditation, creativity, deep relaxation, and other forms of healing.


Theta frequency, the smooth jazz of brainwaves, operates at a slower 4-8 Hz tempo. It's like a gentle lullaby that ushers you into deep relaxation. During this state, your mind drifts into a dreamy realm characterized by vivid imagery, creativity, profound tranquility and healing. The Theta Brain Wave state is the desired state during a sound healing session and the goal of your practitioner.

Benefits of Sound Healing