
I'm totally hooked

[ kroh-shey ]

noun a way of making clothes, etc. from wool or cotton using a special thick needle with a hook at the end to make a pattern of connected threads.

My ADHD brain makes me who I am: Someone who loves learning, solving problems, building things, and being creative - it's also why I love learning to code! My favourite hobby is crochet, because it combines mindfulness with all of that.

There are so many amazing tecniques to learn and perfect, but you can also break the rules, experiment and let your imagination run wild. Once you understand the construction, there is really no limit to what you can create!

When it's hard to quiet my thoughts and relax, crochet gives my hands and brain something to focus on. The repetitive movements and patterns begin to feel almost meditative.

You can make your own clothes, but also use crochet to repair or upcycle what you already have. People will ask "where'd you get that?", and you'll be able to say "I made it myself!"