I love ice cream

Especially chocolate ice cream

Chocolate ice cream is a flaour of ice cream which is the scound most common flavour of ice cream ,after vanilla.chocolate ice cream is made by blending in cocoa powder in along with the eggs (optional),cream,vanilla and suger used to make ice cream .Tho cocoa powder gives the ice cream a brown colur . Chocolate ice cream is used in the creation of the flvours,such as rocky road. Other flavours of ice cream contain chocolate chips mixed in with the ice cream (for example,chocolate chip ice cream, Mint chocolate chip ice cream made with mint ice cream , or plain chocolate chip ice cream made with vanilla ice cream. This ice-cream can also be made sugar-free by substituting sugar with sugar substitute and also sometimes made low-fat by using low-fat ingredients like low-fat milk, low-fat cream eyc. )
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