I love Veggie Burgers

Especially Homemade


A veggie burgers is a burger patty that does not contain meat . These burgers may be made from ingredients like beans, especially soybeans and tofu, nuts, grains, seeds or, such as mushrooms or mycoprotein. While it is not possible, or even necessary, to identify the 'inventor' of the veggie burger, there have been numerous claimants. The veggie burger, by name, may have been created in London in 1982 by Gregory Sams, who called it the 'VegeBurger'. Gregory and his brother Craig had run a natural food restaurant in Paddington since the 1960s; a Carrefour hypermarket in Southampton sold 2000 packets in three weeks after its launch. An earlier reference can be heard in the 7 June 1948 episode of Let George Do It called "The Mister Mirch Case" where a character refers to "vegeburgers," as a burger made of nuts and legumes.

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