
Caribbean Street Dogs

potcake dog

In the Caribbean islands there are many street dogs of mixed breeds that wander around the villages. These dogs are all different sizes and shapes and have different types of fur textures. Even though these dogs look so varied they are labeled one breed: "Potcake."

The name Potcake comes from the disk of hardened rice and peas that stick to the bottom of the pot when people cook dinner. After everyone in the household has eaten and it is time to wash dishes, the left over food that has stuck to the bottom of the pot is scraped off and fed to the street dogs.

Due to the overpopulation of Potcake dogs on the islands, it is common for shelters across the United States and Canada to take in many of the dogs to find them homes.

Potcakes are typically very friendly, social, and loyal companion animals and make excellent pets.

Read more about Potcakes on Wikipedia.

This page was built by Amber Croyl