What is a ryokan?

Learn more about traditional Japanese inns.

ryokan ryokan

Ryokan are traditional Japanese inns. They are often made of traditional materials: wood, bamboo and rice paper. Others use more modern materials while retaining the Japanese aesthetic.

The rooms are Japanese-style (washitsu), with sliding partitions (fusuma and shoji), a coffee table (kotatsu) in the middle of the room and a decorative alcove (tokonoma) displaying hanging scrolls (kakemono) or a floral arrangement (ikebana).
The floor is generally covered with tatami mats made of rice straw, and guests sleep on a futon unrolled before bedtime by the chambermaids.

Ryokan also have hot baths. The water sometimes comes from thermal springs located beneath the ryokan: this is known as an onsen. The baths are shared, with some periods reserved for women and others for men.

You can learn more about ryokans here.