Quarantine Scavenger Hunt

Trying to make the most of your social distancing?

Consider organizing a quarantine-friendly scavenger hunt!

Woman tying running shoes

After weeks stuck at home in Barcelona and a new-found freedom to re-explore the city from a fresh, tourist-free perspective, I started to appreciate the small things. Ordinary happenings took on a new magic, like a stroll down a main city street with no vehicle traffic, a run through familiar neighborhoods where the only things that can be heard are birds and the sound of sneakers hitting the ground, the smiling eyes of an old friend above their homemade mask. Life was starting again after so many days of hibernation. However, daily runs through the same streets and the sacrifice of sleep for fresh air soon became lackluster and part of the routine, just as it had been in pre-quarantine times. /p>

As part of an incredibly ambitious and daring group of women, an idea occurred to me that could help us to spice up what had now become mundane and inspire a bit of healthy competition between us. What better way to rediscover your city than a tailor-made scavenger hunt? I brainstormed some ideas and came up with a list of items that ranged from easy to difficult, from slightly somber to absolutely hilarious. With inside jokes and city-specific targets, a points system and bonus opportunities, the group was off and running (literally) the second we could leave the house.

Woman running in Barcelona

Want the run but not the hunt? 👟 Check out these great runs in Barcelona.