I Love Books! 📖

Especially 'Exodus'

Exodus book cover

There’s something magical about books that pull you into new worlds, and Exodus is no exception. In a future where technology has reshaped the world, Exodus tells the story of Martin Wesley, a tech mogul who, along with his adopted daughters, must survive an apocalyptic nightmare caused by his own creation. Filled with gripping fantasy, tragedy, technology, action and fulfillment, Exodus takes you on a journey where humanity’s greatest advancements become its greatest threats. Will Martin and his daughters be able to undo the damage and save the world? Or will monsters from another realm make survival impossible? Stay tuned for the release of Exodus—a tale of love, loss, and redemption in a world gone wrong.

"Exodus" is coming soon.

This is my debut novel, it is going to be first attempt to coming out of the shadows of ghostwriting and owning my very own book, to be posted on webnovel as an Exclusive. I can’t wait to share it with you. A thrilling blend of love, technological breakthroughs, and heart-wrenching tragedy awaits you. Keep your eyes peeled for the release. Follow me on Webnovel to stay updated!

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