The Law of Assumption

"Whatever you assume as true becomes your reality" ~ Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard

The law was introduced by author Neville Goddard (1905-1972).
Manifestation, the means to do this is by having your mind feeling those desires, wishes and aspirations. The Law of Assumption only works when your mind feels the desires, wishes and aspirations. Thinking thoughts is not enough, you need to feel as if you're actually living the desire for it to actually become reality.

You need to live and feel as if the desire has already manifested. Doing this will magnify the energy of your manifestation and project outwards the frequencies that you need in order to attract the circumstances and synchronicities needed in order for your vision to become reality. This occurs through the contemplation you complete every time when you are envisioning your desired vision. The Law of Assumption, though powerful, is easy to understand and practice.

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