In Juban, Tokyo, a middle-school student named Usagi Tsukino befriends Luna, a talking black cat who gives her a magical brooch enabling her to transform into Sailor Moon: a soldier destined to save Earth from the forces of evil. Luna and Usagi assemble a team of fellow Sailor Soldiers to find their princess and the Silver Crystal. They encounter the studious Ami Mizuno, who awakens as Sailor Mercury; Rei Hino, a local Shinto shrine maiden who awakens as Sailor Mars. Their adventures against the evil power of the dark kingdom begins... Along the way their companionship will grow....
Usagi Tsukino (ζι γγγ, Tsukino Usagi, called Serena Tsukino in the original English dub) is the main protagonist of the series and leader of the Sailor Guardians. Usagi is a careless fourteen-year-old girl with an enormous capacity for love, compassion, and understanding. Usagi transforms into the heroine called Sailor Moon, the Guardian of Love and Justice. At the beginning of the series, she is a self-described immature crybaby who resents fighting evil and wants nothing more than to be a normal girl. As the story progresses, however, she embraces the chance to use her power to protect those she cares about.
Ami Mizuno (ζ°΄ι δΊηΎ, Mizuno Ami, called Amy Anderson in the original English dub) is a quiet but intelligent fourteen-year-old bookworm in Usagi's class with a rumored IQ of 300. She can transform into Sailor Mercury, the Guardian of Water and Wisdom. Ami's shy exterior masks a passion for learning and taking care of the people around her. She hopes to eventually become a doctor like her mother, and tends to be the practical one in the group. She is secretly a fan of pop culture and romance novels, and becomes embarrassed whenever this is pointed out. Ami also uses her handheld computer, which is capable of scanning and detecting virtually anything about which she requires information.
Rei Hino (η«ι γ¬γ€, Hino Rei, called Raye Hino in the original English dub) is an elegant fourteen-year-old miko (English: shrine maiden). Because of her work as a Shinto priestess, Rei has limited precognition and can dispel or nullify evil using special ofuda scrolls, even in her civilian form.She transforms into Sailor Mars, the Guardian of Fire and Passion. She is very serious and focused, and easily becomes annoyed by Usagi's laziness, although she cares about her very much. In the anime adaptation, Rei is portrayed as boy-crazy and short-tempered, while in the manga and live-action series she is depicted as uninterested in romance and more self-controlled. She attends a private Catholic school separate from the other girls.
Coded by Sailor Katerina