Why baking is my favourite hobby

Baking is something I really don’t consider as a job, nor really a hobby,
for me it’s way of life. It is something that I’ve always done, and it is
something that I always will continue to do. The first time I’ve ever
baked is when I was like 8 years old, my grandma who basically raised me,
was a passionate baker and I caught her spark. I can’t really remember the
earliest times I have baked, for obvious reasons, but story tells that I
found it relaxing and empowering even when I was only a child.

Out of Love Baking and creating pastries are always being a synonym for
love and care for me. I bake and cook for others, that is how I show my
affection. I’m not good with words, and I rarely tell anyone how important
they are to me or how much they mean to me, but by baking for them I can
show my compassion without being cheesy. I’m sure that my feelings towards
baking comes from my grandma, not necessary on purpose but I felt that she
baked for others to show her compassion as well. I remember that we used
to bake every Friday, not because it was necessary but out of love.

Baking is something I like to do alone nowadays, the reason why is that I
enjoy and like to be concentrated on the process of creating something
that is technically challenging, beautiful and tasty in the end. I like
that there is a lot of rules that I can break for the sake of creating
something extraordinary. My style and passion towards baking has evolved a
lot over time, as it should. I’ve become more and more perfectionistic
about it. Even though I’m not sure if this really is a good thing when you
consider baking as a hobby, but as said it is also a job for me. I’m a
self-taught baker, well of course my grandma taught me the old school
style basics, but evolving as a chef, that's something that I’ve done by