Pangolins - Scaly Anteaters

What is a Pangolin?

Pangolins are actually pretty neat animals! They appear to resemble a sort of reptile, with their scaled body and bi pedial walking, however, they are actually a mammal! Their scales are made up of keratin, making them strong and fairly durable. When attacked by a predator, they roll up in to a tight little ball to wait out the attack. Sadly, that doesn't always work, as humans are actually the Pangolins greatest threat! In 2019 alone, over 195,000 Pangolins were killed for their scales, as they are believed to have medicincal properties. It's reasoning like this that has caused them to become one of the MOST TRAFFICKED animals in the world, subsequently, making them ENDANGERED.

How can we help?

Governments around the world are stepping up to the call, ending all legal trade of pangolins while continuing to fight illegal trafficking. The Chinese Government recently band the use of Pangolin scales in traditional medicines sparing hundreds of thousands of pangolin lives. If you would like to do your part in helping save this, and many other animals, please click the link and sign the pledge!

Click here to learn more | WWF Petition | Coded by Brittany