

Ladybirds are welcome in my garden!

There are more than 40 species of these familiar beetles in Britain but only 26 look like a classic ladybird, brightly coloured and patterned. Many are predatory on aphids and other insects, a few eat fungi or plants.

A healthy garden will support several species of ladybird. Ladybirds are beetles in the family Coccinellidae, they range in size from 1 to 10mm and are round or oval. Ladybird larvae all have a similar elongate body shape with three pairs of obvious legs, most are black or dark grey, some have yellow or orange markings and many have hairs or spikes. Adults of the most familiar species have brightly coloured (red or yellow) wing cases (elytra) with dark or light spots. Learn more from the Woodland Trust🌳

This page was built by Laura Costanza.