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Access a new career in Technology


Access a new career in Technology

18:00 document.querySelector("h2");

Access a new career in Technology

18:00 function apply(){ let firstname = prompt ("what is your name?"); let age = prompt ("How old are you?"); let heading = document.querySelector("h1"); if (age >= 18){ heading.innerHTML= "Thank you + firstname + , you can apply!"; } else { heading.innerHTML="Sorry + firstname + , you can not apply!"; } } let applyButton = document.querySelector("button"); applybutton.addEventListener("click", apply); 20:42 VENERDÌ Weather App

Yogurt is amazing!

Make your life amazing with Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt

Yogurt is a food produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. Fermentation of sugars in the milk by these bacteria produces lactic acid, which acts on milk protein to give yogurt its texture is most commonly used to make yogurt. Milk from water buffalo, goats, ewes, mares, camels, and yaks is also used to produce yogurt.

WE can find lots of vitaminsina cup of yogurt;
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