The Life Changing Book!


Also refered to as THE BOOK OF was written through about 40 diffrent man of God through out diffrent this book there are 66 books of which the 39 books are in the old testment and the 27 are in the new testment and all this 66 books focus on one person in one way or another(John 5:39),and this man is known as JESUS .he is God, king of kings, lord of lords who created the universe and everything in it.2000 years ago he came as a human in to this world to save humans from his own wrath which resulted from our sinfull behaviours.He was crucified for our sake and rose from the dead on ther 3rd day and asended in to heaven and will come again to take his people to heaven and to juge the world.there is no greater love in this world or another as Jesus's who laid down his life for his enemys inorder to save them and make them his beloveds.the BIBLE is the most selling book of all times.this book answers every question starting from physics to phillosophy but above all it answers the cry of the soul.wheather you are despratly looking for hope or thinking you are enjoing your life you definitly need this book.Get yours now and dive in to the reality of truth and know why you were created and live it!

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Codded by Henon Workineh