Remedios Varo

Unveiling Mystical Worlds through Surreal Art

La llamada (The Call), 1961

Remedios Varo (1908–1963) was a Spanish-Mexican surrealist artist known for her mystical and enigmatic paintings.

Born in Spain, she studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid before fleeing to Mexico during World War II. Varo's work is characterized by its dreamlike quality, featuring fantastical, often androgynous figures in intricate, surreal landscapes.

Her paintings frequently explore themes of magic, science, alchemy, and the metaphysical, reflecting her deep interest in the esoteric and the spiritual. Varo's unique style and imaginative vision have made her one of the most revered artists in the surrealist movement.

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🇨🇦 Coded in Toronto, Canada by Paula Benedé